Tuesday 22 September 2009

2. "Napoleon In War Paint" from Threadless

This is a neat little t-shirt from Threadless.com, designed by Jesse Lefkowitz, and featuring Napoleon decked out in traditional native American warpaint.

I love the idea of Napoleon as an American, and often wonder what the modern world would be like if he hadn't sold Louisiana back to Thomas Jefferson. Back then, the French held a vast chunk of mainland America, going all the way up to North Dakota, and representing nearly a quarter of what is now the US.

Luckily for us though, Bonaparte sold up, and got on with the business of conquering Europe. In the meantime, America grew into the country we know today, and 200 years after the Emperor cashed his cheque, Threadless was born.

I've bought from Threadless in the past (this t-shirt), and delivery to Europe was prompt. The t-shirt cost me $25 and delivery was another $8. But that was 2006, and now in 2009 prices have plummeted, with most Threadless t-shirts seeming to cost $18, and classics like Napoleon In War Paint going for a very reasonable $9.

So price definitely isn't an issue for this design, but unfortunately availabilty is. Right now it's out of stock in all sizes, men and women, but I've just submitted a request for a reprint, so let's see what happens. If you'd like to join my one-man campaign, head on over to Threadless and help me bring Napoleon In War Paint back into print.

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